A message from Professor Vivek Goel
Over the past year we saw, once again, how indelibly linked are the events of the world and the challenges of global society and the work of the University of Toronto’s researchers, scholars and innovators.
Just think of the headlines in the news – how successfully stem cells are being used to treat serious health conditions, a historic Canadian federal election (and a fierce battle for the US presidency still to be decided), the mounting challenge of climate change, the deaths of cultural icons such as David Bowie and Prince, our ever-changing economy, the problems and opportunities created by a population where the average person in Canada will live to 100, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the plight of the Syrian refugees and similar human rights stories.
All of these events and issues are being explored by University of Toronto researchers and students – and our talented people continue to be among the world’s authorities on so many topics that have a direct impact on all of us.
The Vice President, Research and Innovation portfolio is proud to play a supporting role in enabling our researchers and innovators to do what they do best – acquire and apply new knowledge and advance understanding.
This annual report highlights the activities and accomplishments of our researchers as well as our efforts to support them. We also document how research and innovation initiatives at U of T are helping to carry out the Three Priorities.
Finally, this report looks ahead to how we will tackle various challenges and continue to build a portfolio that is equal to and worthy of serving a world-class institution that aspires to even higher levels of contribution and achievement.
Professor Vivek Goel,
Vice President, Research and Innovation